Questions About Your Criminal Charge? |
(206) 682-8383 - Seattle
(253) 627-2828 - Tacoma
(425) 953-4337 - Everett
Washington Assault Attorney

Don't leave your freedom to chance.
There are two sides to every story.
We'll make sure your side is told.
Experienced WA State Criminal Defense
- Low Flat Fees
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Call now for a free consultation
(206) 682-8383 - Seattle
(253) 627-2828 - Tacoma
(425) 953-4337 - Everett
Washington Assault Lawyer Jason S. Newcombe
Experienced Washington state assault lawyers.
If you have recently been arrested in Seattle, Everett, or Tacoma and are facing a Washington assault charge, you no doubt have many questions. What's going to happen next? Am I going to go to jail? How will this affect my job, my family, and my life? Our Washington assault attorneys are here to help.
Interesting, the term "assault" is not defined in the Washington criminal code. As a result Washington courts have turned to the common law for its definition of what constitutes and assault in Washington state.
(1) an attempt, with unlawful force, to inflict bodily injury upon another [attempted battery]; (2) an unlawful touching with criminal intent [actual battery]; and (3) putting another in apprehension of harm whether or not the actor intends to inflict or is capable of inflicting that harm [common law assault].
Whether you are facing a felony or a misdemeanor charge of Washington assault, it is important to put someone between you and the state as quickly as possible. This is true especially if there is an allegation of domestic violence involved because a No Contact (Restraining) Order is issued in nearly every Washington assault case alleging domestic violence.
Jason and the lawyers who work with him are experienced Washington assault attorneys who understand WA state's assault laws. They are also familiar with the defenses available to those who have been charged with assaulting another. For example, did you act in self-defense? Did you act in defense of others or property?
Another critical factor can be whether or not there any other witnesses besides the alleged victim. In many cases involving allegations of domestic violence, the only evidence against you are the statements of the alleged victim. Often, these statements are either inaccurate or completely false.
Washington assault cases are typically complicated.
Most WA assault cases are complicated because the true facts of what transpired are almost never mirrored in the police reports. In many cases, a private investigator is needed to assist us in preparing your case. Nearly every case involves a situation where the material facts and underlying incident are in dispute. As a result, it critical to begin preparing every case for trial from the onset.
The simple truth is that there are two sides to every story, and many of our clients report to us that they were just acting in self-defense, or in defense of someone else. Over the years, we have learned that things are rarely black and white. Unfortunately, that is how most prosecutors in Western Washington seem to view them.
More importantly, every city and county prosecutor is under increasing political pressure to charge and prosecute anyone arrested for a Washington assault. This is particularly true if the alleged victim is family member.
Over the last couple of years, it is apparent that this has become an increasing point of emphasis in every prosecuting attorney's office here in Western Washington. Whether you have been arrested in Seattle, Tacoma, or Everett you should expect that your case will be aggressively prosecuted.
Experienced Washington assault and Washington State criminal defense lawyers.
Washington assault attorney Jason S. Newcombe is an experienced Washington State criminal defense lawyer. From his offices in Seattle, Tacoma, and Everett, he assists clients throughout King County, Pierce County, and Snohomish County.
Being arrested and charged with a crime is always nightmare. But this is especially true when the allegations involve assaulting another person. These crimes are a central focus of every prosecuting attorney's office because they involve public safety. And, if the charge involves an allegation of domestic violence, the short and long-term repercussions can be dramatic and life altering.
If you are facing a Washington assault charge, you need to get a fighter in your corner. You need someone familiar with WA state's assault laws, and someone who will fight to protect your legal rights and to keep you out of jail.
If you have recently been arrested or charged with a crime of Washington assault, we invite you to call our law offices for a free consultation. We can discuss the specific facts and circumstances surrounding your arrest and talk about what actually happened.
We can also explain the criminal process and assist you in understanding what will happen next, as well as down the road. You can then make an informed decision about whether to retain our services and how best to proceed.
Call now for a free consultation
(206) 682-8383
(253) 627-2828
(425) 953-4337